Monday, February 24, 2014


Oh how they whistled...
"The Save Ontario’s Species (S.O.S.) coalition was formed in 2005 by five conservation groups – David Suzuki Foundation, Environmental Defence, Ontario Nature, Sierra Legal Defence Fund (now EcoJustice) and CPAWS-Wildlands League. The groups came together to support a major updating of the province’s outdated and ineffectual Endangered Species Act. The coalition worked over the course of approximately 18 months to capitalize on a commitment made by Dalton McGuinty, now Premier of Ontario, in the lead up to the 2003 provincial election."

and cheered...

"Ontario's Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009 was passed on May 14, 2009. Ontario Nature fully supports the vision that underlies the legislation, which is to make Ontario a world leader in the development of clean and renewable energy."
But now, their beloved Green Energy Act has got their little pom-poms in a twist.
"...Nature Canada, Ontario Nature, Environment Canada, the Suzuki Foundation, the Sierra Club, the Audubon Society, Bird Life International and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds agree that Ostrander Point is the worst place for wind turbines.



  1. Yep, there are no hypocrites like eco hypocrites. All the lefties that voted NDP in Strathcona and Calder and Highlands like turbines as long as they are out in the sticks bothering the hicks.

  2. I think that story is called carefull what you wished for. pretty phony bunch because not many hippys switch their house heating to nice clean green Ontario electricty

  3. Just what are you saying Shawn McRae? It is certainly okay to support principles behind a certain law but still have the courage to speak out when the intent of that law goes off course or the law is otherwise misapplied.

    1. I'll let Shawn McRae speak for himself, but if you think that this collection of environmental ticks has any concern about principles, you are dumber than a blonde turkey.

    2. It's certainly not surprising that these delusional ecologists failed to perceive that wind turbines and solar panel farms would create such massive negative economic impact, but that they failed to predict the deleterious environmental impact further proves that they're just not very bright. We can also thank them for the terrible legal precedent that transferred private property rights and regional powers of self-government to the provincial central authority. What could possibly go wrong with a law like that, eh msholistic? Ever open up a history book?

    3. Ever open up a history book?

      Yes, I bet she has opened up His Story book:

    4. Holy smokes Saul. Until I visited your link, I was firmly of the opinion that the old book burning parties of 1930s Nazi Germany were inherently evil. Now I wonder if a little bonfire of Andrew Nikiforuk's Tar Sands wouldn't help get me through this cold, cold winter?

  4. msholistic: here's something from Wikipedia you might find enlightening: "Possible causes of unintended consequences include the world's inherent complexity (parts of a system responding to changes in the environment), perverse incentives, human stupidity, self-deception, failure to account for human nature or other cognitive or emotional biases." Couldn'ta said it better meself!

    1. I am so glad that 'you' brought this up. In particular the system responding to changes in the environment part. That is exactly what is happening to the planet because of people like you who because of "human stupidity, self-deception, failure to account for human nature or other cognitive or emotional biases" continue to wreck our world. I would say your world but you would think that would mean entitled to ownership.
