Sunday, March 9, 2014


You know when animal welfare activists call Canada's new code of practice for the care and handling of pigs a "watershed" moment that the pigs have won.


  1. All the livestock producer organizations have been meekly led to their own eventual slaughter by agreeing to become part of this stuff. The same thing happened here in Alberta last year. The cattlemen sat down with the warm and fuzzies thinking that there could be some kind of reasonable accommodation. They took the first steps towards what will eventually be a total retreat and defeat.

    1. Why can't any group just say No anymore? I guess I know the answer to that. The leaders are bought off in one way, shape, or form.

  2. Farm organizations should have taken a page out of the gun lobby handbook and just said NO and fought every attempt at legisative reform. The train has left the station already I fear....spineless leadership.
    There is NO pleasing the animal activists by giving into a single demand...never mind letting them get a firm toe hold on how any livestock is raised, handled and transported.
    They will be back with more weirdo demands..."Appeasing your enemies does not make them your friends" as the saying goes.
    Their end game is no one will have livestock( or pets for that matter) for food or pleasure.
