Saturday, March 22, 2014


...because Ontario's turbines will come tumbling down and your panels will waste away.


  1. Just being silly, but what are the chances that Hudak has an answer ready for "European governments are radically altering the subsidies and payments to alternative energy producers, do you forsee that happening in Ontario?"

  2. Before this alternative energy crap gets stopped and reversed the same thing is going to have to happen in Canada as it did in those countries. We will have to hit rock bottom because there is no way the public is bright enough or brave enough to demand it earlier.

  3. It is a real pity that the solar and wind energy industry is being destroyed by greed. The governments went into the alternative energy thing with the best of intentions but stopped short of forcing people to change their lifestyles a bit to give wind and solar a fighting chance. Governments have to learn to be really forceful when it comes to fixing the environment.

    1. msholistic, I don't know if you were born here or moved here, but you must've missed "free" part of our national anthem, and our time-tested British-style legal tradition of individual liberty. That "really forceful" style of government is being offered elsewhere (Russia, China, Zimbabwe, Iran, Syria...). I'll cover your resettlement expenses.

    2. msholistic you're my saviour. Here I sit with my Sunday morning coffee, depressed about the state of affairs in the world, and up you jump, our very own imbecile in residence, to offer some comic relief.

      The governments went into the "thing" with one intention, to get votes from populations that are swayed by sentiment and emotion rather than facts. These countries are now economic basket cases precisely because their governments forced the green horseshit onto the people. And they really "fixed" the environment by doing it. There are 300 turbines outside of Pincher Creek on various "windfarms". Over four-thousand acres of fringe lands - the best wildlife habitat there is - was bull-dozed and developed for these windmills. Even your dumb green friends out here who love this stuff are starting to admit that the deer and the antelope just seem to have packed up and left the area.

      Why don't you get a bushel basket and volunteer to be the dead bird reclaimer at your closest wind farm?
