Tuesday, March 25, 2014


...the ongoing obsession with climate change means that many environmentalists are turning a blind eye to the ecological costs of renewable energy. What they clearly don’t appreciate — for they know next to nothing about biology — is that most of the species they claim are threatened by ‘climate change’ have already survived 10 to 20 ice ages, and sea-level rises far more dramatic than any we have experienced in recent millennia or expect in the next few centuries. Climate change won’t drive those species to extinction; well-meaning environmentalists might.
And it gets better...


  1. Why do all these writers who are (finally) tearing apart all this global-warming/environmentalist bullshit keep referring to the movers and shakers as well intentioned idealists? They are nothing but greedy parasites, spinners of criminal lies under the banner of science that have wrecked national economies and caused terrible hardship and misery to so many. They must be prosecuted by the courts and all their assets seized for the many frauds - and they are indeed frauds in every legal sense - they have perpetrated on a gullible, unthinking public.

    1. I think prosecution is great idea! There should be a criminal suit and well as punitive damages. Where do we start?

      What never fails to astound me is the willingness of the left to exempt themselves from contributing to man-made "global warming". They drive, fly, breathe, and fart, yet somehow their emissions don't count. Maybe I'll start voting NDP...must be nice to fart roses instead of methane.

  2. Another thought: Re-release that "Special Investigation" article, but instead of "Special Investigation: Toxic wind turbines" make it "Special Investigation: Toxic Oil Fields" and replace wind turbine with oil field throughout the article. We'll get the expected shrieking "I told you so's" from the usual crowd, then we can show them the actual article and wait for the crickets.
