Thursday, September 4, 2014


The same statistics quoted would probably apply to Canadians at 10% of the US population.
Beware the prescription pad.


  1. Oh well, wouldn't surprise me if the per capita stats were the same this side of the border. More and more people claiming professional victim status. It used to be that the malingerers all had to claim a sore back, but now there's a lot more to choose from on the tray. PTSD, poisonous workplace, harassment induced depression, etc, etc.

    Several years ago my doctor told me that physicians who questioned the legitimacy of disability pension applications soon learned to just sign off on the paperwork and let the turd have his cash-for-life. Failing to do so often resulted in a complaint to the College of Physicians and Surgeons. And even though in the end it would be determined to all be bullshit, it consumed inordinate amounts of the doctor's time, energy and money to deal with it.

    Other unfortunate results of all this lead-swinging is that sympathy and support for genuine sufferers is eroded as the public becomes aware of so many useless bastards in its midst, and, as the Useful contribute ever more to the Useless, it is a disincentive for the former to remain honest and productive.

  2. Someone I know has been a surgical nurse for 4+ decades and she says there is something going on....doing their pre-op work ups she says people in their 40's are coming in with whole bags full of prescription meds.
    Unlike the car companies that have their feet held to the fire when defective car parts start causing accidents and claiming lives/injuring people Big Pharma is untouchable for the devastation they cause people. In particular the handing out of oxycontin like it was friggin' candy for the slightest "pain" and it wasn't until later (after the so called "studies" said it was safe) was it learned what a dangerous addictive drug oxycontin was. If you try suing Big Pharma for THEIR mistakes all they do is play out the clock with court delays until you over for them. Changes need to be made to existing legislation to hold them accountable that damages are paid to estates to end the pill pushing....MD's seem to have become nothing more than glorified dope dealers now....which makes a person wonder if there isn't kickbacks on prescriptions?

    1. Oxycodone is on the streets because some doctors are prescribing it by the bushel. Everyone, including the RCMP and city police departments know that this horseshit is going on but I can't ever remember a doctor being charged for what amounts to trafficking.
