Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Name one of the worst Central Banks globally.
***theme from Jeopardy***


  1. Build a cabin, stock up on ammo (sorry for my thievery tj230) and get every red cent out of your bank and turn it into gold or silver. My wife and I pulled our RSPs out 10 or 15 years before we originally planned to do so and the only thing left in our banks is our chequing account.

    1. That's okay Saul. My wife and I don't have RSPs but I was planning to finance our retirement by copyright infringement lawsuits! ;)

      We did have some GICs but we pulled them out and bought land instead. My unionized sister and brother-in-law have this stupid idea in their thick heads that the terms of pension plans and RRSP taxation rates are carved in stone and are grandfathered forever. I am not quite that trusting.

  2. It seems that the central banks of all western nations are up to the same tricks - almost zero interest rates and money printing.The profligate spending of governments and the ponzi scheme of citizen entitlements must continue.

  3. Oh yes. The shining example on the world stage. Sound fiscal policy and all that, backed up by little men pulling levers and stuff. One of these days everyone will discover what Dorothy did.
