Monday, March 30, 2015


..."snake spirit".


  1. Google also owns huge subsidized solar and wind energy projects and you can bet your bottom buck that page 1 results, when you Google AGW or alternative energy, have been engineered.

  2. What we are witnessing here is the transformation of one of the world's greatest free market, democratic states into a Soviet style socialist regime. The Whitehouse bypasses Congress by executive fiat. and uses the services of Google and a compliant media to control information. The economy is increasingly controlled by government policies that favor certain industries (think global warming and renewable energy sector). Special interest groups have become the fourth arm of government spending billions lobbying (bribing) congressmen and senators to gain an upper hand on competitors in return for generous campaign contributions. Add in a national debt that both the Whitehouse and Congress are ignoring and unsustainable government programs for an aging population..........well, you get the picture.

    1. And all this is going because the public ain't broke enough, sick enough, or cold enough...yet.

  3. Geez I hate it when I find out I'm being unwittingly manipulated.

  4. I have serious reservations about Google, its tracking features, and its national and international connections. It is so rich and its invasive technology is so established that it is no surprise that it would have low friends in high places.

    I have a word of advice for every one. Disable all the tracking features on your hand-held devices and your PC. Avoid using Google's gmail and find another search engine. While we are on this topic, never store anything on Onedrive, which is Microsoft's big filing cabinet in THEIR sky.
