Tuesday, November 24, 2015


The court was told that Herb Metcalfe, Ottawa lobbyist and senior federal Liberal strategist,  received payments and benefits from 2002 to 2006 totalling $1,366,411, which he did not report on his personal income tax returns.  The revenue agency said Metcalfe prepared his returns each year by hand, and knew – or was wilfully blind to the fact – that the income he received was taxable and was required to be reported on his returns.


  1. But it has all been about the conservative Duffy! Duffy! Duffy! story for months and months...*crickets * on this, the Librano theft of taxpayer dollars by the MSM.

  2. Tax evaded = $1,366,411
    Fine = $ 396,259

    I looked high and low in this story, but I can't find any mention about the $970,152 deficiency between the amount pocketed and the fine. Was the evaded amount paid back? If not, then the "sentence" doesn't hurt very much, does it? I would gladly stay home for a year if I could get away with $970,152 in avoided taxes.
